Time Saving Vegan Snacks For Busy Moms


Ever have one of those days where you forget to eat? Well, kind of. It's not that you forgot, it's just you needed to make the kids breakfast before they left for camp, you needed to pay bills—you know, the ones you always forget to put on auto-pay, work meetings ran over, dadadada...

Basically you put everything before taking that bite, and before you know it you've grazed on a bevy of unhealthy snacks that still leave you feeling ravenous by dinner time. 

Been there and had to tell myself~’Girl, stop.’ What helped me break the cycle was reminding myself:

  • First: Self-care is healthcare. You're one of the anchors of your family. Don't treat yourself like an afterthought- DUH! 

  • If you often find yourself time-crunched, stock up on smart/clean, timesaving snacks, so that you're getting the good stuff when you fill up. 

  • Know your limits: Keep in mind the parameters of healthy snacking in mind before going HAM. If you’re all about aiming to eat 3 meals a day, 1-3 snacks are recommended, based on how active you are. Endless snacking often never ends well; either with a stomach ache or post snack guilt!

    See the gallery below for my current, favorite time saving vegan snacks.